Endego — Quotation request
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By clicking the "Send Request" button, you are giving consent to be contacted by phone or email and receiving information from ENDEGO sp. z o.o., headquartered in Krakow. This contact aims to facilitate the preparation of an offer in response to your inquiry. ENDEGO sp. z o.o. may reach out to you either by phone or email. If you prefer not to be contacted through a specific method, you can leave the corresponding field in the inquiry form blank. Please be aware that if you do not provide your email address or phone number, we won't be able to get in touch with you to prepare an offer.
ENDEGO sp. z o.o. is responsible for managing your personal data and is committed to processing it exclusively for the purpose of preparing an offer based on your inquiry. You have the right to object, access your data, request corrections, deletions, or restrictions on their processing. For more details on how your personal data will be processed, please visit: https://endego.com/privacy-policy/
Any information you provide in the quotation inquiry will be used solely to prepare an offer by ENDEGO sp. z o.o. in response to your inquiry. We adhere to strict confidentiality principles in handling the data you provide, in compliance with prevailing legal regulations. If ENDEGO sp. z o.o. does not submit an offer or if it is not accepted by you, all data contained in the inquiry will be permanently deleted.